How can you be yourself if you reject so many parts of who you are?

Hi, I’m Walaa, the founder of The Cringe Method. Together we will navigate your emotional landscape, by uncovering and working with “The Cringe” you have inside, and help you let go of what other people think so you finally become the truest version of who you are.


What is “The Cringe”? Your Best Friend for Growth


You know those parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable to think about? The qualities, tendencies, self-sabotage, desires, and regrets that you keep hidden away, even from yourself? Well... I’ve got news. If you want to grow into your full potential and feel really good in your own skin, you’re going to have to bring your cringe into the light. 


After we’ve identified which “Cringe” is showing up for you, we will process these triggers and beliefs together. I will be here to hold your hand as you “out” your insecurities and feel in order to heal. As someone who has experienced a vast spectrum of trauma and injustice, I can empathize and guide through even the most uncomfortable waters.

Heal & Grow

Next, I will guide you through a personalized healing roadmap using modalities that will reprogram your mind and calm your nervous system. I use intuitive and science-backed techniques like sound healing, meditation, color therapy, and more that allow you to feel tangible growth, peace, and self-love.

Ready to find your cringe?

About Walaa

Meeting parts of yourself that you’ve rejected can be lonely, scary and confronting– but I am here to hold your hand without judgement, and teach you how to face yourself through “The Cringe.” If you’re brave enough to lean into discomfort, the reward on the other-side is the confidence, self-love and life you’ve dreamed about.

My Expertise
Meditation • Sound Healing • Color Therapy • Healing Guide


  • “It was very empowering to do this as a group. I could feel the sincerity in everyone’s open hearts. One thing that really struck me was as you were asking us to visualize relating to emotions that came up I believe in our heart centers, the song ‘Smoke on the Water’ by DEEP PURPLE came on the radio! It was astonishing how the lyrics and the elements of smoke resonated with the emotional cleansing I was seeking, reminiscent of the use of sage and Palo Santo. At that precise moment, I was deeply engrossed in addressing a painful issue involving someone who isn't conducive to a positive presence in my life, making the experience even more mystical.”

  • “The healing that comes from working with Walaa is powerful and you can hardly foresee how far or where it could go. Do not underestimate the healing energy and fiery power of color to transmute what needs to be dissolved. I was carrying a childhood trauma that no amount of energy work had been able to detach from myself. In one group session with Walaa that trauma unexpectedly presented itself and with her guidance I was able to shield my inner child into a golden bubble and to envelop the trauma in a green light of forgiveness. The pain is gone and my inner child no longer feels defenseless. So magical and powerful! Thank you so much!”

  • “It blew me away how quickly my body responded to the sounds of the bowls. My chest felt strangely tight and I started to get warm and hot all over which it was wild to me. But if anything, it showed me that I have some serious traumas that I’ve been carrying around in my heart center that no longer serve me. I wasn't able to heal fully today, but I was able to receive perspective and awareness from your session today that has sent me on a new journey of self awareness. I appreciate that so so much.”

  • “The 10 day Spirit Spa was incredible. It was more powerful than I could have ever expected. Each colour brought me a deeper insight of who I am. I felt each colour and each day it became stronger. I had trouble getting away from a toxic relationship and with the red I became more grounded and my vision changed. Each colour brought me something. I am very surprised at how powerful this is. It made me feel very well and at peace. I had trouble finding good meditations before these ones. I want to do one every morning as it is easy and makes my day brighter and lighter. Walla's voice is comforting and familiar. We go to a safe place and closer to the pure love that we hold.”

  • "Today surpassed anything I could have ever imagined. Walaa assisted me in healing a traumatic wound that I had been carrying since the birth of my first baby girl, Freyja. Through your guidance, I learned forgiveness in a way I never believed possible, Walaa! Thank you for helping me find release and discover the power of unleashed freedom!! Freyja and I are sending all our love and gratitude to you. Releasing that limiting belief that held me back has brought me immense relief, even just today. It's an incredible feeling, and I am truly grateful for that. Thank you."

  • "I'll never forget how much you helped me and the amazing support I received from you. I wouldn't be where I am today if you hadn't shown me the initial steps on my healing journey. Forever grateful."

  • “Now, when I look back at the old versions of myself, I couldn’t be prouder of who I was and how far I’ve come. The sense of pride I have wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for you. I learned to experience a new level of emotional well being that I struggled to feel before.”

  • "Thank you for everything, Walaa! You've changed my life and created a safe space for my soul to come out from hiding. I'll cherish our time of growing together forevermore. I'm humbled by this experience and deeply grateful for you. I wish for all your wishes and desires to manifest the best possible way for you! I love you."

  • "Healing and guiding work by Walaa has transformed me. Walaa helped me feel when I only wanted to intellectualize and analyze my feelings. Feeling softened me and opened my life to joy, love and purpose. Feeling helped heal my body from tension, blockages and even physical discomfort. Walaa's wisdom helped guide me as I walked my darkest roads. Through color, meditation and sound healing, Walaa gave me the tools to overcome obstacles in life and strength for personal growth and soul work."

Healing can feel intimidating, but when you start to feel real freedom, you will fall in
love with the transformation process... and yourself.

Tools to help you befriend your cringe

From meditations, and visualization exercises to quick energy boosts that will help you regulate everything from obsessive thoughts to sleep insomnia.

Feeling flat &

Vitality – 11min
Coming Soon

Feeling indecisive &
easily influenced?

Intuition – 15min
Coming Soon

Feeling insecure or
afraid to face fears?

Courage – 15min
Coming Soon

Feeling burnt out or

Balance – 15min
Coming Soon